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Chapter Two
The Veil

The Veil that is mentioned many times throughout the Bible is seldom spoken about … or mentioned in sermons due to lack of knowledge by the Pastors … or fear of being exposed! There is a Veil that has clouded man`s mind from the foundation of the world, purposed by God Almighty until a time of fulfilment when it will be torn down to expose its reasoning. A Veil was first ordained by God Almighty himself to conceal a matter which the Almighty used as a “Tool” to deceive the Deceiver - Lucifer… and as a divide to separate and establish a domain where a Kingdom would be designated for the “Serpent of Old… Lucifer the Devil and Satan”… along with the “Fallen Angels” who free willingly chose to follow Lucifer … ref Rev 12 (4-9)… but before we travail into the depths of God Almighty`s wisdom and reasoning behind this scenario… let us briefly examine references already mentioned in script,… and instances common to mankind. Back in the “Days of Old” before mankind erected permanent buildings as Temples… Chapels… Shrines… or Synagogues to worship in… when mankind wondered hopelessly in the Wilderness… God Almighty requested Moses to build a place where his Spirit could be Worshiped… thus the Material Tabernacle was created. The Tabernacle was divided into 2 parts… the “Inner” court, and the “Outer” court. The “Outer” court is the place where the Priests appeared to offer up Sacrifices… Prays and Burnt offerings for themselves and the congregation. The “Outer” court contained the “Alter” where the ornaments were placed such as the Lampstands… Utensil’s… Showbread etc…. and the Pulpit is where Sermons are preached similar to what you would expect to see in the orthodox Churches of today… then there is the “Inner” court, or Sanctuary where the Spirit of God Almighty appears behind a “Veil” that separates the “Inner” court and the “Outer” court, behind this “Veil” (the “Inner” court) only the High Priests were able to enter… and as a “Rule,” only once a year. The “Inner” court… being the Holiest place of all… is where the Mercy seat was placed, and above this seat was the “Ark” of the Testimony… (the 2 Tablets of the 10 Commandments)… this is where the Spirit of God Almighty appeared to the High Priests who in the days of old was… “Melchizedek”… spoken about in Gen 14 (18) and furthermore in the book of Heb 7 (1-4). Besides “Melchizedek,” the “only” other High Priest ever appointed by God Almighty was the “Christ”, his “Son” and our “Savior” … ref Heb 5… (1-10) and Heb 6 (19-20) … any other “Alleged” High Priest who assumes the position as a High Priest, has been ordained by mankind which is contrary to the “New Covenant” … ref Heb 7 (15-24). Jesus our “High Priest” has entered in behind this “Veil” for us all … for all humanity… for all eternity and forevermore… to release his people from the clinches of the “Powers” that bind them… the filthy Spiritual Powers of Darkness… ref Eph 6 (10-12). Unfortunately, Jesus people are more concerned with the “Carnal” desires of this present Age and Life, as were the people of Sodom and Gomorrah… ref Gen 19 (1-26). This generation ignore the teachings of the… “New Covenant”… Jesus bestowed unto us, and further deny the precious gift of the Holy Spirit… and prefer to have their ears tickled by the false soothsayers who beguile each week to collect a salary for themselves via your generous donations. The purpose of the Holy Spirit who dwells in you as the “Breath of the Spirit of life”… (God Almighty himself)… is for him to be able to teach and guide you directly himself … for as it is written in the book of John 14 (26) … the Helper the Holy Spirit will teach you all things … this being the case … when the Brethren come together as a body … it is to bestow upon each other the Spiritual knowledge taught by the Holy Spirit each day, but in saying that, how many brethren actually know who the “Breath of the Spirit of Life” actually is… Little lone “knowing” he is the Holy Spirit who “Veils” himself in you ? A Veil is used to conceal an object or identity until such a time arises as it is granted to reveal the mystery behind the “Veil”… a perfect example of this is expressed in the Old Testament when a “Veil” was worn by women to signify their marriage intentions … and to this very day it carries the same significance amongst the Muslim women … you may also see a “Veil” being worn up to the completion of a marriage ceremony signifying that there is a gift behind the “Veil”… the intended Wife … Pure … Holy and undefiled ? Then there is the “Veil of deception” when the “Rulers” … the Government Leaders … the Politicians and the Government Departments baffle the minds of the multitudes with trivial issues to conceal fraudulent schemes behind the scenes… this has become such a common practice amongst the “Rulers” … it is exercised on a daily basis without them flinching an eyebrow, and is considered by them as a normal practice procedure and acceptable amongst those who a perishing … will woe to them … It is time for the multitude to stand up and hold these “Spiritual Hosts” accountable … after all … “You” are the “Income Taxpayer” who pay their salaries … and directly their “Employers” … for without your “Compulsory” contribution each week, these Dictators would not have an existence. Then there is the “Veil” that causes “Divisions” … making clear distinctions between people through … Race… Creed and Ethnic beliefs… and to top off these “Abominations,” you have the financially secure who exploit their wealth by placing a “Value” upon ones “Life” according to one’s financial status, or appearance. The Wealthy consider themselves to be the … “Elect”… beyond reproach and “Superior” beings while the destitute and underprivileged are despised and looked upon as disposable commodities … a footstool to trample on… shame on these “Cretins” and their perverted thoughts … but be at Peace within yourself … for their writings in the “Book of Life “will” make them accountable in due course. Before we move on to the reason why God Almighty had a need to “Veil” an issue prior to the creation of Mankind … there is one more issue relating to the “Veil” that needs exploring which is spoken about in the book of Matt 27 (50-53) … The “Veil” of the “Temple” that was torn from “Top to Bottom”! This event transpired after Jesus had “Breathed his Last Breath,” and yielded up his Spirit, and the Roman Guards had “speared” Jesus in his side to drain him of his “Blood and Water” … ref John 19 (33-34), This was when the “Veil” of the Temple that was “Torn” from top to bottom… the Earth quaked… Rocks were split and graves were opened, and the “Saints” who had fallen asleep … (physically decease)… were “Raised in Bodily form” and entered the “Holy City” and appeared to many… ref Matt 27 (50-53)… this is the Spiritual Realm where the “New Covenant” and the “Resurrection” exist of which we can only enter in through the Holy Spirit of Jesus, by his Blood… Jesus “Is” the Resurrection and the Holy Spirit of life !!! The resurrection of Jesus Christ, in Bodily form, without “Blood and Water,” sealed Lucifers fate… and because it was the concealed issue God Almighty had ordained and “Veiled” prior to Mankind’s existence upon this Earth, … Lucifer … Satan the Devil “knew at this stage” that he had been cast down and defeated…. but he still had one thing in his favor …. he knew Mankind were… and still are… ignorant to the knowledge that prevails in relation to the “Death” suffered through Adam and Eve`s transgression. As mentioned, prior to the existence of Mankind in the flesh, in the Eternal realm of the Kingdom of Heaven… Lucifer who was formerly an “Arch Angel” unto God Almighty… and rebellious of the “Creators” ordinances … (because he wanted to be a God)… decided within himself to deceive as many Angels as he could, so God Almighty… the great “I Am”… handed Lucifer down to his own attributes… the characteristic`s that defile “us” physically from within, being the Spirits and the individual Hosts Lucifer had created for himself… the filthy foul demonic spirits that possess mankind to this very day … ref Gal 5 ( 16-25 ). God Almighty… the Great “I Am,” in his infinite wisdom knew, that the only way he could measure back to Lucifer… (who was… and still is an Immortal Spirit) … a just reward for what he had done …. was to place the Spirit of Lucifer and his Hosts into a “Earthly” body that had a ”Physical sensation” with a conscious awareness… thus the creation of the “Mortal” man Adam, who manifested a “Physical Conscious Awareness” which become the “Conscious Mind”… the realm of consciousness were there was the ability to suffer “Physical Pain”… the “Deceiver” had been deceived into believing he had a Kingdom to Rule… the “Kingdom of consciousness”. Lucifer… Satan the Devil tells us in the book of Luke chapter 4 (5-7) … That the Kingdoms of this World, along with their “Glory and Authority” had been delivered unto him, signifying that this Earthly Kingdom was never his to begin with… but was in fact handed to him under a pretense or an illusion. The Kingdoms of this World were temporarily handed to the Serpent of Old Lucifer, after, he had been “Cast” from the Kingdom of Heaven along with “his” Spiritual host… and a 1/3 of the “Angels” who had rebelled against God Almighty… Rev 12 (7-9). Rev 12 (13) tells us that the Dragon… (being Satan)… saw that he had been "Cast” to the Earth and went out to persecute the women who had given birth to the Male child … but was unable to achieve this feat… and Rev 12 (17) tells us that the Dragon was enraged and went out to make “War” with the woman’s offspring’s who keep the “Commandments” of God Almighty and those who have the “Testimony” of Jesus Christ ! The arrogant attitude of Satan tells us in Luke 4 (7-8) that the Devil offered the “Kingdoms” of this World to Jesus if he would worship him… Jesus replied… “Get behind me Satan…. you shall worship the Lord your God… and him Only you shall serve.” The essence of the “Veil” which God Almighty had ordained... prior to the creation of Mankind, was purposed to …” Conceal…Deceive … and Divide” … but before we can elaborate further, there needs to be an appreciation of what we actually are as “Beings” …. “Are We” Mortal … or Immortal Physical …. or Spiritual Flesh …. or Soul Human … or Spirit If we were to believe the Bible, and God Almighty`s Word, we would have to accept that we were “Created” according to the “Image” of God Almighty, as an Immortal Spirit as he is… ref Gen 1 (2) … further reiterated in the book of John 4 (22-24) … but your entity would be the “Soul” of the Spirit of God! Your true identity as an “Immortal Soul” is verified in Psalms 16 (10) … will not leave your “Soul” in Sheol-(Hades)… and in Matt 10 (28) we are told… “Fear” him who is able to destroy both “Soul and Body” in hell… the Soul is your “True” Identity… Immortal… Invisible and Eternal, clothed only with “Flesh” to make your “Soul” manifestly visible… and the substance of your “Being” that exists “after” the mortal body has become decease… to deny this “Fact”… you deny yourself, and there is only one place for those Creatures? Lucifer, along with the “Fallen” angels from Heaven are no less than “Immortal Spiritual Beings” themselves, this is evident by the single simple fact that “No” mortal Being existed in a Physical form, prior to Adam and Eve being created from the “Dust” of the Earth… ref Gen 2 ( 7 )… or did the “Earth” exist before the “Heavenly” realm… and did the “Flesh” create the Spirit? The Ultimate plan The stage was now set for God Almighty to execute the “First portion of his ultimate plan … the “Entrapment”. This feat involved enticing Lucifer to be transformed “Mentally” from an Immortal thinking Spirit… into a consciously “Thinking” host, with a “Physical Awareness” … this was achieved through the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” … with the assistance of Adam and Eve. Gen chapter 2, clearly explains that everything that had been created in Gen chapter 1… was of an “Invisible Immortal” form, … it wasn’t unto Gen chapter 2, that that which had been created “Spiritually” in Gen 1, … took on a “Physical” appearance “Mortally” in flesh in Gen chapter 2… which begun with the “First Physical” man “Adam” … who was formed from the “Dust of the ground”… then from the same “Dust” of the ground, the Lord God Almighty formed every living creature that exists, … the Beasts … the Fish of the sea… the Cattle of the fields, and the Birds of the Air… ref Gen 2 (19-20)… God then brought them to Adam who named them “After” … visibly seeing them, proving beyond any doubt that Gen chapters 1 and chapter 2 were both “Individual Kingdoms”, … one Spiritual … and the other Physical, what had been created “Invisible and Immortal” in Gen chapter 1 was later manifested… “Visibly and Mortally” in Gen chapter 2, … Eve however was an exception to this, as Eve was taken “out” of man… being created from “One” flesh… being a part of Adam… Gen 2 (23-24). What is intriguing, is the fact that they were both Naked… “Knew it” and weren’t ashamed Gen 2 (25). The reason why they weren’t ashamed was because for the first time in all creation … 2 Invisible Immortal Soul could see each other… their “Spiritual Minds” had not yet been veiled by a consciousness … and Adam and Eve “saw” the Flesh as the Clothing for the invisible “Soul”. Further to this revelation… Adam had just finished naming “All” the Beasts…the Birds of the air, the Cattle of the fields and the fish of the sea that God Almighty had just finished clothing in their Mortal flesh, as it is to this very day… therefore Adams eyes had to have been open already otherwise Adam would not have been able to see the animals that he was naming. Now comes the “Entrapment” … and the “Words” that sealed Lucifers fate which “he spoke” … It was the Words… You will “Not” surely Die …Gen 3 (4-5) … for God knows, that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be “like” God, … knowing Good and Evil. Now prior to this statement … God Almighty had just stated to “Adam” in Gen 2 (16-17) … you may freely eat of “every tree” in the garden… except of the Tree of “knowledge” of Good and Evil… for in the day you eat of it you shall surely Die. It is important to note that Eve was Not in existence when God Almighty instructed Adam as to this fate should he chose to eat of the tree of Knowledge, … and the reason why the Serpent Lucifer chose to question the women… ref Gen3 (1). When the woman Eve was questioned about the trees in the garden, Eve referred to the “Tree of Knowledge” as the “Tree in the mist of the garden” … Genesis 3 (3) … emphasising that she shall not eat of it, nor shall she touched it… least she die… Genesis 3 (2-3). Adam and Eve both in their Spiritual Mind's… (the “subconscious mind” which will discuss shortly) … had no idea what it meant to die, because Spirits and Souls are eternal. Lucifer the Serpent, also knowing that Spirits and Souls are eternal and Do Not Die, tested the woman Eve by stating in Genesis 3(5) … you surely will not die… for God knows that in the day that you eat of its fruits, (the fruits being spirits) … your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil. What a pathetic statement for Lucifer the serpent to make… “your eyes will be opened”. This statement implies they were blind, or unable to see… if this was the case, how could have Adam seen the cattle of the fields, the birds of the air or the fish of the sea he had just finished naming in Gen chapter 2. Genesis 3 (6) states that the woman ate of its fruit… Adam seeing that she had “not” died… also ate of the fruits of Knowledge… in Genesis 3 (7) it states… then in the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew they were physically naked… in fact, they had just become consciously aware that they had been transformed from the subconscious mind “Unveiled”, … to a fully conscious mind… “Veiled” of Spiritual knowledge… the carnal mind of death that veils the spiritual knowledge we were created with. Adam and Eve have just been subjected to Lucifer's realm of awareness… the conscious mind where spiritual knowledge is veiled… but with a slightest glimpse of Spiritual knowledge. Before we progress to the knowledge of the “Veil” that was torn from top to bottom after Jesus breathed his last breath and yelled up his spirit, Matt 27 (50-53) … let us briefly examine the three states of mind we are all aware of… and to gain an understanding of what prevailed through Adam and Eve to entrapped Lucifer… we begin with the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind Referred to as being asleep, totally unaware of our surroundings… comatose… a realm or Kingdom where there is unexplained possibilities. Where you dreamt you fill… you dreamt you saw… you dreamt you heard… you dreamt the impossible as possible events or knowledge. The spiritual realm where God Almighty watches over your Soul while you rest or sleep … and when you awoke to a consciousness… the fast is broken. This is known as breakfast time, or breaking the fast The throne Room “The Subconscious Mind”. This state of mind is where innocent dwells… the state where the eyes are opened to the semi awareness, but the mind is unaware to the reality around it. The realm where total consciousness is non-existent… and a state of daydreaming exists. Examples of the “Subconscious Mind” are recognised when you're reading a book etc… and in the background the TV or radio are going… but you are unaware of what has been seen or heard because your mind is occupied with what you are reading… or you were are in the state of daydreaming, looking up into the sky… or on the beach looking out to sea… totally oblivious to the activities going on around you until you snap back to reality, the conscious state of awareness. Have you ever travelled from point A to point B… arrived safely but cannot remember the trip… or stared into a TV and your mind was thinking about other issues and not the programme being televised… all states of the subconscious mind… awake with the eyes open, … but mentally unaware of your surroundings. Then we have the Monks, the Religious worshippers and various other groups who meditate in a subconscious state of mind… known as a trance, … not asleep, but “Not” also fully conscious. The subconscious state of mind is the spiritual realm unto the Kingdom of heaven… the dimension that Lucifer the Serpent had been cast from… and the spiritual realm where Adam and Eve existed when they had been first created and placed in mortal flesh… the clothing to make the Immortal Soul, visible… so how could they have been ashamed of being naked… when in fact they were clothed and flesh. “The Conscious Mind” The conscious mind is a very intricate realm where the knowledge of both “Good and Evil” dwells. The Kingdom that was ordained before time began… the test ground for the Spirits and Souls of the Saints and Angel as to whom they would worship and serve, … the Creator or the Creature. Within these boundaries, a “Veil” was placed to divide good from evil, giving mankind a free-will choice. On one side of the “Veil” are the qualities of the Subconscious mind where innocence, morals and virtues exist pertaining to Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Kindness, Goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control and the spiritual knowledge in relation to the Kingdom of Heaven plus Jesus teachings of the “New Covenant”… where the Living God Jesus dwells via the Holy Spirit. Then we have the other side of the “Veil”… the fully conscious mind were “Sin” dwells with carnal thoughts of envy, strife, greed, immorality, adultery, hypocrisy, drunkenness, contempt, jealousy, sorcery, adultery, fortification, uncleanliness, hatred … and any other foul attribute you can conceive,… this is the realm that the Serpent had enticed Eve to be a partaker of when he suggested that she could be like God, to knowing good and evil… the realm he had being cast too, along with his fallen angels that had been cast from heaven to the Earth… Revelations 12 (7-9) … Gen 1 (2) … darkness was there. Then it was said in Revelations 12 (12) … Woe to inhabitants of the Earth and the sea… for the Devils has come down to dwell with you. God Almighty in his infinite wisdom first created the “Conscious Mind” as a stand-alone Kingdom… a realm where his intended guests… (the Souls yet to be manifested)… could dwell for all eternity and have a habitation of visibility… a dimension where Praises could be offered for the acknowledgement of his wonderous creation… where the works of his hands could be admired and respected… where he could be glorified for his goodness through thanksgiving for providing every necessity to exist… including Life… but before this Kingdom could be inhabited with an innumerable multitude of Holy guests… God Almighty granted one of his Arch Angles, named Lucifer… entry into this Kingdom of consciousness, to test him, to see if Lucifer would seek him, Love him, and have fellowship with him… Lucifer unable to see the Invisible Spirit of God Almighty… hardened his heart because he “Thought” God Almighty had forsaken him… so from within himself by “thought” he manifested his first characteristics, being with the Spirits of hatred and desire which is the bases of “Death”… and from there came every Evil intent that could be conceived. The “Spiritual Trees” of Good and Evil now existed as a realm in the consciousness… known as… the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” … Gen 2 (9). Now because Lucifer had taken the liberty to manifest his “own” hosts by thought… God almighty… the great “I Am” knew that the only way he could measure back to Lucifer a just reward for being rebellious and for contaminating the Kingdom of consciousness… was to place the evil Spiritual of Lucifer… and the Hosts he had created by thought… into a physical form where they had an awareness both physically and mentally, thus the mortal body… formed from the dust of the Earth… Gen 2 (7)… which became the vessel for the physical… emotional… sufferance, … and the mind became the realm for a conscious awareness… a perfect revelation of where the demonic spirits of Darkness have been Entombed and Entrapped. Now mentioned at the beginning of the script was one issue the Serpent Lucifer had in his favour… he knew (as he does to this very day) … that mankind and a conscious mind have little knowledge of what Jesus Christ has achieved on our behalf both physically and spiritually. Daily, every moment of the day, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Jezebel and the demonic spirits who dwell within the body subtlety appear firstly as a thought in the conscious mind… then beguile the souls by visual desire… purposely “Veiling” the mind to keep you ignorant to the authority you have in… and through Jesus’s name via of the Holy Spirit. Christians are so blind they have not yet comprehended that the flesh is merely a vessel to make the Spirit manifest… and that every word that proceeds from the mouth is the Spirit speaking… “flesh can't talk.” These two issues alone make the demonic spirits tremble when they are aware that you know… and are unknown by the Holy Spirit of the Breath of Life of Jesus who dwells in them and you. As it is written in 2 Cor 5 (16) … from now on, regard no one according to the flesh … but judged the spirit… for by their words and actions… the Spiritual forces “are” seen and heard. Since Lucifer had been made subject to the conscious realm of awareness were both good and evil dwells… God Almighty being the just creator and Righteous and judgement decided through equality to make all Spirits and Souls, Angels and Saints, subject to the same realm Lucifer had been subject to… to test the Souls loyalty in sincerity… Jesus himself was no exception for as it is written and Hebrews 4 (15)... Jesus was tempted in every point is we are… yet without sin… this is verified in Luke 1 (1-12)… but more so in in Luke 4 (5-8) when the Devil said to Jesus… All the kingdom of this World along with their Authority and Glory have been delivered unto him… and he could give them to whomever he chose… offering them to Jesus if you would bow down to him… Jesus told him clearly… get behind me, Satan. The phrase Lucifer used… the Kingdom of this world, signified a conscious awareness and visual alertness of things “in” the world, but not who made created the world. Now that awareness… being the core substance of consciousness had been manifested in a physical and mental state of mind… plus with the knowledge that Jesus himself had been made subject to this wilderness, and mortality, plus knowing God Almighty knows what is in mankind's heart and mind… the Almighty decided that the ultimate test of sincerity would come by placing “Salvation” in the conscious mind, with Jesus testimonial teachings and actions as the guidelines. The “conscious mind” is the only realm where salvation can be sought and found by having an awareness of what is verbally confessed and acknowledged… for with the heart, one believes, and with the mouth… Salvation is confessed. Repentance, forgiveness, and the gift of the knowledge of the Holy Spirits Power, dwells in the consciousness… but also remember… denial… deception and lies also dwell in the same conscious realm… so what you have as a Soul, is the free-will chose of what you acknowledge and accept… whom you serve, and whether you want to do Good or Evil… your conscience should be your guide, which will reveal your hearts and tent. The very last thing Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Jezebel want you to know, is where they dwell by spirit… where they have been “hiding” by spirit… and the power and authority they possess by “thought” as spirits which has reigned for centuries… as of a matter of fact, since Adam and Eve's time, which God mighty has allowed, so the soul could be tested. Every soul that comes into existence is subject to the conscious mind… being handed down to carnal thoughts and physical emotions to test their awareness as to their morals, virtues, beliefs and faith, to see if any soul seek the knowledge and Kingdom from where they had originally been created as “Immortal Spiritual” … ref Gen1 (27). Now when the fullness of time had come Gal 4 (46)… God Almighty sent forth his Son and our Saviour, Jesus… who became the Christ to demonstrate the manner of simplicity he used to heal the nations of all illnesses and diseases, to bind up or to cast out evil spirits to set the captives free from the impediments that have bound them, such as deafness, blindness, speech, etc… Ish 58 (6-7) to release the multitudes from unclean spirits, which Jesus demonstrated when he released the man who lived amongst the tombs who had the spirit of a Legion dwelling in him… which incidentally was about 2000 demons. Mark 5 verses 1 to 15. Then after the demon spirits had left the man, he was found sitting clothed in his right mind… ref Mark 5 (1-15). Jesus, in his infinite wisdom came to bestow a “Kingdom” unto us… his faithful servants who abide in his teachings. It is written in the book of Luke 22 (29-30) … I bestow upon you a Kingdom… as my father bestowed upon me, that you may eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom… Jesus further states in Luke 17 (20-21) … the Kingdom of God does not come with observation, for indeed the Kingdom of God is within you. Now when those who call themselves Christians and followers of God Almighty Jesus Christ, and acknowledge and abide in Jesus New covenant…being cautious to observe the Commandments and the Testimonies of Jesus… than that which is written in Revelation 11 (16) will come to pass, saying the Kingdoms of this World have become the kingdom of our Lord and his Christ… and he shall reign forever more and forever. Amen. Because mankind's minds are still “Veiled” by carnal thoughts, ignoring the teachings of the “New Covenant” Jesus came and demonstrated with all authority by visibly disarming the Principalities and Evil Spirits… the multitudes are still being held captive by… and subject to… physical iniquities… being fully reliant upon Physicians to heal the body of illnesses… thus undermining Jesus teachings and making a mockery of their own beliefs, no wondered, is written in Matt 7 (21-23) when they will say Lord, Lord, … Jesus will reply… I knew you. There are several predominant reasons why the Spiritual Powers of Darkness still reign havoc upon the nations… one reason being that 99.9% of the doctrines being preached and taught, refer to the God of this age… Not Jesus… for it is written in 2 Cor 4 (3-5) … if our Gospel is “Veiled”, it is “Veiled” to those who are perishing… whose minds the God of this age has blinded, who do not believe in the glory of the Gospel of Christ teachings. 2 Cor 3 (14-18) states… the “Veil” remains unlifted in the readings of the “Old Testament when Moses teachings are read… the “Veil” remains on their hearts and minds, … but when one turns to Lord Jesus, the “Veil” is taken away… for the Lord Jesus is Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty… Jesus is the Holy Spirit and life. Amen. If one is not verbally confessing Jesus by name as “God the Father,” and Christ as the “Living Saviour” … John 14 (6-26) … you can pretty will much assume Beelzebub and Jezebel are at work as the “Evil thoughts” in their conscious mind… playing games with the mind to test you. Jesus tells us in the book of Matt 28 (18-20) … that all authority had been given to him in Heaven and upon the Earth, and further states… teach them to observe all thing that he has commanded. 1 Timothy 2 (3-5) tells us that we have a mediated between the creator and men… this person is Christ Jesus, and in Col 3 (16-17) it states, let the “Word of Christ” dwell in you, and whatever you do in “Word or Deed” … do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to the Father through him. Jesus tells us in John 14 (13-14) … He is the way, the Truth, and the Life… No one comes to the “Father” except through him. If anyone believes that they can talk directly to the father without first making their supplications unto Jesus… then they are deluded and deceiving spirits… twice bent and handed down to a debased mind… Romans 1 (28-32) describes it all. Weekly through the sermons preached… you hear the Pastors constantly saying God this and God that, God, God, God… these are the foul Spirits who glorify the demonic God of this age… ref 2 Cor 4 (3-5). If one was true in heart and deed, they would now beyond doubt that we serve a “Living God” whose name is Jesus, ref 1 John, 5, (20) … and him alone we converse with, no other name, no other God, no excuse. A phenomenon Lucifer had not anticipated was for the Christ to be raised in Bodily Form “without blood and water” … little loan being raised at all. When Jesus had breathed his last breath and yielding up the Spirit, Lucifer, Satan rejoiced at the death of the saviour of the world which had been achieved spiritually… believing God the father had forsaken His son, the Christ, so Lucifer, to appease his demonic Spiritual hosts… and for his own self-gratification, encouraged 2 Roman guards to “Pierce” Christ in the side with the spear… ref John 19… (33-34)… to drain Jesus of his blood and water, (which poured out) … to assure himself and his demonic hosts that both Spiritually and now Mortally … Jesus was deceased… Lucifer “thought” the kingdoms of this world were his. Stage 2 of 3 God Almighty’s ultimate plan “Veiled” from the foundation of the world … was the resurrection of himself as the Holy Spirit of Jesus, in bodily form, through the body of Christ… “without blood and water” … death in the “Body” had failed … being conquered by the Breath of the Spirit of Life… (God Almighty himself) … forever more. Amen. This is the point in time Matt 27 (50-53) when the “Veil” of the temple was torn from top to bottom … the earth quaked … rocks were split … graves were opened and the Saints from Adam and Eve's time up to Jesus’s time were raised in bodily form … after Jesus’s resurrection. They then entered the holy city spoken about in Hebrews 12 (22-24) … Mount Zion, the Heavenly Jerusalem also spoken about in Revelation 6 (9-11) when the Souls of the Saints who had been slain, cried out saying, how long oh Lord Holy and true until you judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth. To have an appreciation of the fate that awaits Lucifer and his followers at stage 3 of God Almighty Ultimate plan, need a full comprehensive understanding of the “Veil … the Temple … the Throne Room and the altar”. We begin with the Temple, which takes us back to the creation of man, from the dust … the Physical Mortal “Clothing” for the Spirit or Soul. The Temple God Almighty being an “Invisible Immortal Spirit” himself … ref Gen 1 (2) … decided that he would dwell “in” and amongst, his people, so when God Almighty created mankind from the dust, the first Spirit “that” entered the Physical Mortal Body was God Almighty himself, as the “Breath of the Spirit of Life” … Gen 2, (7). This life was further reiterated and Gen 7 (21-23) as the “Spirit of the Breath of Life”, and as such … his Spirit was now manifestly visible in the physical body … therefore claiming the “Physical Body” as his Temple, and his Eternal resting place for his Immortal Spirit. This is further emphasised in the book of 2 Cor 6 (16-18) … 1 Cor 6 (18-20) 1 Cor 3 (15-18) … the body is the Temple. The Throne Room. God Almighty`s Throne Room is the subconscious mind. The mind of innocence and Semiconsciousness, the Spiritual realm of daydreaming… hypnotics … meditation a trance like state with the eyes are normally open, but oblivious to the immediate surroundings. The Altar. The fully conscious mind where “thoughts” are conceived … either “Good or Evil” … where prayers and supplications are perceived … or curses and blessing are spoken … the state of mind where “Sin” exists through carnal thoughts by denying the Soul the right to a Spiritual existence unless one is born again through baptism …other than this, we remain “Spiritually Dead” and at the mercy of the great “I Am” … or the terror of the Evil ones plans who will not show you any mercy. The Veil, The “Veil” that was torn down was the “Old Covenant teachings” … being replaced with Jesus’s teachings of the “New Covenant” … the knowledge of the Kingdom of Heaven, where he demonstrated and exercised his authority over the demonic spiritual forces when he subdued them, and made a spectacle of them, making them his footstool. Now the Saints who had been raised after Jesus’s resurrection was another example of the “Veil” being torn down, when the faithful Saints from Adam and Eve's days up to Jesus’s time, were raised according to Jesus`s glorious body, also without blood and water. When one considers the time duration from Adam and Eve days up to Jesus’s time around 4 to 6000 years… it would be impossible to find flesh upon these Saints, let alone their bones, or for that matter, their burial sites… but Matt 27 (52-53) tells us that those Saints were raised in bodily form and they entered the Holy City and appeared to many … this city is expressed in Hebrews chapter 12 (22-24) as Mount Zion, the Heavenly Jerusalem. Lucifer, at the “Resurrection of Jesus”, knew within himself that he and death had been defeated … both Physically and Spiritually. Jesus had just conquered the powers of darkness, and the kingdoms of this world … however, Death remains inevitable in the imagination of the unbelieving, because they die twice over, yet the Soul of the person “Transverses” onto the Spiritual realm of eternity once the body has become deceased … ref Luke 16 (19-26) … the story of the Rich man and Lazarus both deceased … but speaking with Abraham. Now if Lucifer the Serpent of Old had of been aware where his “appointed” Eternal entombment would be … he would have never enticed “Eve” into an awareness of consciousness. We are just beyond 2000 years since Christ physically walked upon the Earth, the world is in turmoil and on the brink of collapse… the nations Rage against each other in a domineering manner for superiority, using threats of nuclear devastation to rule… the multitudes wander around aimlessly ignorant or oblivious that mankind's existence upon this planet cannot continue due to being consumed by the desires of technology… all signs as to the end of the age as foretold by Jesus prophecies … the days of tribulation and the days of vengeance. Luke 21(19-22). It is time for the Saints to rise up and take authority over this Kingdom by making the enemy Jesus`s footstool, forcing Lucifer by spirit to enter his eternal place of entombment, which is phase 3 of God Almighty`s Ultimate plan. The Entombment. Phase 3 of God Almighty`s plan “the entombment” is the greatest kept secret from the foundation of the world. Even to this present day … and the scripts that are written, the Souls of mankind have not yet comprehended to the fullness, the consequences of Christ resurrection in bodily form and why… because the doctrines being taught are carnal like the teachers teaching them… will woe to these creatures. The objective of Christ resurrection in bodily form … “without” blood and water remains our witness upon the earth … ref 1John 5 (3-8) … and in John 6 (63) it emphasises that it is his spirit that gives life… “Blood and Water” profit you nothing. When … “Not if” … When Jesus returns a second time to collect his “Elect” … at the sounding of the trumpet, in the twinkling of the eye, all Souls will be transformed from a Carnal Mind and being … into a Spiritual Mind and being. The body will be drained of its blood and water and standing in the full glory of the Risen Christ. The Soul of each being will then be entombed in their mortal vessel … (the body) … waiting to be judged according to what is written in their individual memories. These writing are each person’s writing as their portions in life … referred to as the “Book of Life”. The question now Beckons … How can the Soul ever leave your body ever again … as long as the Breath of the Holy Spirit of life is within the body, the Soul will remain entombed in the Body, waiting to be Judged … Time is fulfilled … along with man-kinds fate. Now that the “Veil” has been “unveiled” … you hold your own fate in your own hands. It is up to the individual to preserve their Souls while waiting on the redemption of their bodies… Romans 8 (19-23). As a matter of clarification and sanctification the whole of Romans chapter 8 emphasises is the exact requirements for life. Therefore, humble yourself … deny the visual desires that consume the conscious thoughts … (idols) …put on the spiritual mind of Christ in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John …l allow the Holy Spirit to be your guide and teach you … acknowledge the 10 Commandments and deny idols, Now may the grace of the Holy Spirit of Jesus who dwells in you, sanctify you completely, ready to present you back to our father, the living God and Eternal Lord God Almighty Jesus without blemish or spot amen. “You are without excuse.”

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